Then use your results to create a more magnetic emotional connection with your partner.
Your top irresistibility trait is Being Present
Brief Summary:
You offer a place for your partner to seek solace in your admiration and appreciation in who he is. Your partner finds the way you focus on their good qualities irresistible. The way you express the positive feelings you have towards them makes them see you in a more admirable light as well.
Full Summary:
You offer a place for your partner to seek solace in your admiration and appreciation in who he is. You respect who your partner is as a person, and you find their personality and their behavior to be deeply fulfilling. But you don’t stop there. You express this to your partner verbally, and in your actions, making sure they know you see them and appreciate them.
Your partner finds the way you focus on their good qualities irresistible. It revives them and their energy. The way you express the positive feelings you have towards them, renews their strength and makes them see you in a more admirable light as well.
How to Be Even More Irresistible:
Things to Watch Out For:
Your top irresistibility trait is Being Purpose-Driven
Brief Summary:
You are purposeful, authentically driven and intentional in your interactions with your partner and they find this irresistible. You meet their emotional needs as frequently as they have them, while maintaining enough space for yourself to avoid overwhelm and resentment. This is such an irresistible trait because you create a safe place to prioritize your own needs, as well as support the needs of your partner.
Full Summary:
You make your daily interactions with your partner a top priority, driven by the culture you both want to create in your relationship. You enjoy and revel in your daily lives together, and you express thanks and gratitude for even the smallest gestures. Whenever your partner wants to be close to you, you have a way of picking up on their ques, even when they don’t express it directly, and you seek to meet them. You do this in a healthy, supportive way, making them feel affirmed, seen, and understood.
Because you are purpose driven, you are intentional in your interactions with your partner, and they find this irresistible. You said to meet their emotional needs as frequently as they have them, while also maintaining enough space for yourself to avoid overwhelm and resentment. This is such an irresistible trait, because you create a safe place to prioritize your own needs, as well as to prioritize and support the needs of your partner in such a way that your partner does not feel like a burden when coming to you for affection.
How to Be Even More Irresistible:
Things to Watch Out For:
Your top irresistibility trait is Being Enlightened
Brief Summary:
You keep detailed information about your partner and you try your best to know as much as you can about them. You seek to go deeper and really have an understanding of their past successes, hurts and pains, disappointments, fears, and the things that keep them awake at night.
Full Summary:
You know your partner on an intimate level. You keep detailed information about your partner and you try your best to know as much as you can about them. You regularly ask them questions about what’s going on in your lives, and about other things that matter to them. You do this to be intentional about keeping them, and what’s going on in their life at the forefront of your mind.
What makes you so unique is that you don’t just keep your knowledge about them at a shallow level. You seek to go deeper and really have an understanding of their past successes, hurts and pains, disappointments, fears, and the things that keep them awake at night. You seem to understand their emotions and their dreams, and you really want to know more about who they are as a person, what matters to them, and what’s going on inside of them on an internal level.
How to Be Even More Irresistible:
Things to Watch Out For:
Your top irresistibility trait is Being Serene
Brief Summary:
You have a keen ability to be able to manage conflict in a peaceful way. You understand what truly matters to your partner, and know which areas they are more willing to compromise. And your heart's true desire is to seek common ground when there are disagreements.
Full Summary:
Your partner finds the way you manage conflict in a peaceful way irresistible. You seek to resolve the problems that exist between the two of you quickly and with real solutions that work in the best interest of the relationship y’all are creating together. You understand what truly matters to your partner, and know which areas they are more willing to compromise and which areas they are highly unlikely to compromise. You’re able to consider their opinions whenever you are managing conflict with them. And your heart’s true desire is to seek common ground when there are disagreements.
You also have a keen ability to listen to them on a daily basis, especially during times of conflict. You make them feel heard and seek to understand their feelings even when you don’t agree with their viewpoint. You even have the great ability to let their thoughts and viewpoints guide you during times of decision-making, letting them know that you do respect their opinions, their guidance, and their ability to lead you.
How to Be Even More Irresistible:
Things to Watch Out For:
Your top irresistibility trait is Being Erotic
Brief Summary:
You are bold and expressive in ensuring they know you desire them sensually and sexually. You tend to your partner's sensual needs, understanding that they enhance your sexual experiences together. You talk about and introduce sex in a way that feels safe, adventurous and focused on meeting both of your needs.
Full Summary:
Your partner finds the way you approach sex irresistible. You have mastered the art of being sensual and sexual, understanding that they are not the same thing. You tend to your partner’s sensual needs, understanding that they enhance your sexual experiences together. You talk about and introduce sex in a way that feels safe, adventurous, and focused on meeting both of your needs.
What makes you even more irresistible is that you do not appeal just to their physical needs. Your focus is to meet your own, as well as their emotional and physical needs in the arena of sexual experiences. You are bold and expressive in ensuring they know you desire them sensually and sexually. You are expressive about what you desire, and what you like, and you make sure your partner knows that they are creating an environment for you both to have satisfying and fulfilling sexual experiences. You are focused and genuinely want to meet your partners sexual needs, and make sure to ask questions and explore the different things they suggest bring them sexual pleasure.
How to Be Even More Irresistible:
Things to Watch Out For:
Your top irresistibility trait is Being Dynamic
Brief Summary:
You are irresistible because You are fully committed to creating the "Dream that's so big that y'all both have to grow to achieve it". You emphasize and create an environment for you both to work and grow. Being steadfast about working towards what you both want affirms their CONFIDENCE.
Full Summary:
You are irresistible because You are fully committed to creating the “Dream that’s so big that y’all both have to grow to achieve it”! You emphasize and create an environment for you both to work and grow to keep creating the “dream–the culture you’re creating in your relationship”. Being steadfast about working towards what you both want affirms their CONFIDENCE that they’re the type of person who does what they need to get what they want out of life–in this case, the LIFE OF THEIR DREAM AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF THEIR DREAM.
You are so irresistible because you strongly embody ALL 5 of the irresistibility traits in positively powerful doses, while prioritizing living life with thrill and excitement. Your partner finds the way you focus on their good qualities irresistible. You are purposeful, authentically driven and intentional in your interactions with your partner and they find this irresistible. You meet their emotional needs as frequently as they have them, while maintaining enough space for yourself to avoid overwhelm and resentment. You are bold and expressive in ensuring they know you desire them sensually and sexually. And your heart's true desire is to seek common ground when there are disagreements.
And if that's not enough, you spend time reenergizing your connection to keep it fun and exciting for you both. You prioritize your relationship over excessively hanging out with your friends. You keep redefining your intimate moments with your partner.
How to Be Even More Irresistible:
Things to Watch Out For: