
Stop Settling for Happy When You Really Want the Dream!

Whether you’re single and searching, in a relationship and eager to elevate, or happily married and ready for the dream...


Special Limited Time Offer

Create the life fulfillment, passion and intimacy your hearts are truly craving for ONLY $300.00

Did you see how these 3 Secrets can change your love life? 

If so, are you READY to turn the love story you keep dreaming about into your reality? 

Are you ready to wake up FEELING understood, cherished, and vibrantly alive? Are you ready to explore and fulfill each other's deepest desires and needs?


Today we’re answering those silent whispers and prayers.

Have you ever truly prayed a prayer, and waited for it to come true for you? If so, I want you to consider this an answered prayer. But only if you’ve been looking for a way to elevate your love life and make it what you really want it to be. I only want you to consider this an answered prayer if you want to wake up every single day cherishing the person you choose to share your life with, and feeling that they are deeply connected to you and cherish you too.

If this is you, this is your answered prayer.

I’m inviting you to join us in the Create Your Fantasy Love Story program.

We’ve put hours and years of work into really creating a solution that leads to specific outcomes for you. A solution that’s going to help you love more passionately, connect more deeply, and continuously transform who you are and live and love as that person daily.

I will tell you this. This is not for you if you don’t want a love that is legendary, that inspires you to live fully and out loud, and ignites everything in your being. This is ONLY for you if you truly believe you are ready to create your fantasy love story…to experience the love you keep daydreaming about.

Join the "Create Your Fantasy Love Story Program" and embark on your journey to discover how to ensure you and your partner deepen your connection daily, and you both see every moment as an opportunity to fall even more in love with each other. 

This program is about knowing exactly how to keep flourishing individually and alongside your partner. 

When you master these three secrets, you will experience a daily adventure of loving boldly and beautifully.

The love life you imagine is waiting for you. Let’s make it your reality.

Create Your Fantasy Love Story

Here’s What You’ll Learn to Transform Your Love Life

The secrets we teach you how to master are the clearest and most predictable skills you can master when you know you want to create the exciting, passionate, fulfilling experience that inspires you and your partner to enjoy every single day of your lives together!

Create Your Fantasy Love Story™
Group Coaching Program

Secret #1
Elevating Your Essence

In this lesson, we’re going to dive deep into the essence of who you are at the core of your being. And we’re going to look at exactly what is needed for you to feel like you are living your life fully and completely. We’re diving deep into the freedom of being authentically you every moment of every single day. Mastering this secret is not just about discovering yourself. It’s not just about discovering who you are. In fact, it’s not about discovery at all.

Mastering secret #1 is about embracing who you really are and walking in that reality boldly and unapologetically. It’s about creating and constantly reinventing yourself to be exactly who you see yourself being, and walking in that identity daily, especially when you’re with your partner.

Mastering secret #1 is going to help you master what it means to be your most authentic self and bring that truth of your identity into your relationship. Mastering the ability to elevate your essence is all about living out loud, loving passionately, and sharing your deepest being with the one who loves all of you—the one who wants to love even more of you. It’s about creating a dynamic where your individual authenticity fuels the joy, fulfillment, and connection you experience together.

Secret #2
Mastering Magnetic Attraction

In this lesson, we’re going to master the ability to fully embody an authentic charm that is so compelling and captivating that it constantly reignites the fire, attraction, and passion you both experience towards one another. The type of authentic charm that turns both of you on mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and sexually.

Mastering secret #2 is about creating a magnetic attraction that is so powerful that it pulls you and your partner together with the same fresh thrilling excitement you felt when you first met, first started dating. It pulls you into the same intense space you were in when you both contemplated spending eternity with one another. Mastering magnetic attraction is about reigniting, nurturing, and growing this same exact force every single day. It’s about creating this same deeply fulfilling experience daily. Mastering magnetic attraction is about harnessing and increasing your unique ability to naturally attract and pull your partner closer to you in awe and admiration.

Mastering magnetic attraction is going to enable you to stand powerfully in your most authentic mindset, so you can ensure that you attract your partner from a passionate, respectful, and deeply intimate place that keeps the heartbeat of your relationship exciting and vibrant. Mastering magnetic attraction is going to allow you to cultivate a presence, show up in that presence, and live in a way that your very presence is so rich and fulfilling that you become irresistibly stimulating to your partner. When you do this, you will innately draw your partner into an ever-deepening connection and attraction that is so much more than emotional. It will be physical.

Secret # 3
Solving Love's Real Equation

In this lesson, you’re going to learn how to master this groundbreaking strategy so you can navigate your love life with precision and passion. This calculator is more than a tool. It’s going to be your exact formula, your pathway, to making proactive, aligned decisions that cater to your deepest desires and needs. Mastering this formula is going to allow you to create and continue creating the fulfilling companionship both of your hearts are craving. Mastering the ability to solve love’s real equation is your formula to continuously create a love story that feels like it’s been kissed by destiny.

When you master solving love’s real equation, you are going to make decisions that align perfectly with both of your hopes, goals, and dreams, making sure that every move you make together is intentionally fulfilling. With each choice, you’re going to create a love story that satisfies and is fulfilling to both of you in a way that continually inspires both of you to continue growing and being the best of who you see yourselves being. Mastering the ability to solve love’s real equation is not just about navigating your journey. It’s about choosing the path that makes both of your hearts sing in harmony.

Membership Access

When you invest in your relationship by investing in Create Your Fantasy Love Story™, you will get the following education, resources, and support:

Create Your Fantasy Love Story

Master The Three Secrets Roadmap

3 Weeks of Self-Guided Video and Audio Lessons

Gain immediate access to Create Your Fantasy Love Story™. New modules are released over the course of 3 weeks.

We present the education via videos, which feels intimate and exclusive to you. The benefit is you can listen to the lessons while on the go.

You'll have access to those video replays for the duration of your 6 weeks enrollment. You can go back and re-watch the videos whenever you need a refresher, a reminder, or just a pep talk!

Whenever you watch the videos — either on the day and time they are released, or at a later date and time — we do recommend that you leave at least an hour after you're finished for the next part of the course. Sometimes, you may want to listen to the module education a couple of times before proceeding to the next step of the module.

(Value $3,750)

Create Your Fantasy Love Story

The Three Secrets Roadmap Toolbox

Tools To Take Action

Actionable worksheets, checklists and challenges

When you're finished watching the video, complete the activity that follows. The assignment is where the magic happens.

This will be a time of opening up to yourself, of being vulnerable with yourself, of getting to know yourself on a deeper, more meaningful level, and of falling more in love with who you are and who you are becoming.

This is the time when you will ask and answer big important questions.

This is the time when you take the time to listen to each other's answers, if you’re following the roadmap together.

You will strengthen your emotional connection based on what you want your life together to look like.

You will make a plan for how you're actually going to make that a reality.

Then, last but not least…

You will take what you learned in the video and the answers you came up with in your assignment, then put it into practice in your relationship.

These are the moments of opening up to one another, getting to know each other on a deeper, more meaningful level, and falling more in love with a deeper emotional connection.

(Value $12,000)

Group Coaching Calls with Tristan & Ashley

Weekly Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Once weekly, you will have access to a group Q&A call where you can ask questions. Nothing is off-limits! This is the time and the place to ask the questions you have about this season of life and your transformation into the next season.

If you can't join the live Q&A calls, that is TOTALLY okay. We know we'll have people joining us from all different time zones and with all different schedules. We'll be recording each and every call so you can go back and listen at a time that works for you.

Join calls with Tristan and Ashley to be coached live or submit your questions anonymously to be answered in the private, members-only group (reserved only for financially invested members like yourself).

You got the concepts but want help applying them to your specific situation? We have calls every week where you can come on and get coached live OR listen to others and see the tools in action. Either way you will come out inspired and more equipped to apply the education and strategies to your own life and relationship.

(Value $3,750)

Create Your Fantasy Love Story™
Membership Value

Membership Benefits
 Relationship Roadmap
Relationship Roadmap Toolbox
3 Group Coaching Calls
Total Value
$  3,750
$  3,750

Your Investment for Create Your Fantasy Love Story™



Create Your Fantasy Love Story™ Roadmap plus All Membership Benefits




2-Pay Installment Plan
Get started today for just $160. Your first payment processes immediately and the remaining one (1) payment of $160 processes 30-days from today.


Create Your Fantasy Love Story™ Roadmap plus All Membership Benefits




Single Payment
BONUS: You get 6 Months of Access to the Love Reimagined Course Platform which houses ALL of the Self-Guided Video and Audio Lessons 


Create Your Fantasy Love Story™ Roadmap plus All Membership Benefits




3-Pay Installment Plan
Get started today for just $120. Your first payment processes immediately and the two (2) remaining payments of $120 each process 30-days apart.

Create Your Fantasy Love Story™ is NOT recommended for couples experiencing severe relationship distress, significant emotional or physical abuse, serious emotional or mental health issues, active drug or alcohol addiction in one or both partners, or relationships involving serious compulsive behavior with gambling, sexual acting out, or other disruptive behaviors. If your relationship is experiencing these issues, I recommend you invest in individual or couples psychotherapy or coaching.


At The Fantasy Love Co., we stand behind everything we teach inside of this program and we know it works when you do the work. We are committed to providing our circle with a high-quality coaching experience. However, we understand that circumstances can change, leading to a need to cancel your enrollment.

Because of that, we have the following refund policy:

14-Day Cooling-Off Period: We offer a full refund if you cancel your enrollment within 14 days from the date of purchase. To request a refund, please email us at refundrequest[at]thefantasyloveco.com, stating the reason for your request with your enrollment details.

After 14 Days: If you request a cancellation after the 14-day period, we regret to inform you that we cannot offer a refund. We invest significant resources in preparing and providing our coaching services; hence, we enforce a strict no-refund policy after this period.

Exceptional Circumstances: We may consider refunds beyond the 14-day period in exceptional circumstances, such as severe illness or unexpected life events. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Documentation may be required.

Access to Digital Content: Please note that if you access more than two (2) modules of the coaching programs or digital content, this will void your right to a refund, even within the 14-day period.

State-Specific Regulations: We comply with all applicable state laws regarding refunds and will adhere to any stricter requirements that apply to your state. If your state's law requires a longer cancellation period, we will honor such requirements.

To request a refund or if you have questions about our refund policy, please contact us at refundrequest[at]thefantasyloveco.com, stating the reason for your request.

We believe commitment and follow-through creates momentum. We've found that people who don't back out of their commitments get better results. This is an accountability program. So - if you're committed, register. If you're not committed to embracing your identity and creating the relationship you really imagine, this is not the best solution for you.

Results Disclaimer:
As with any business, your results will vary and will be based on your personal abilities, experience, knowledge, capabilities, the effort put forth by the individuals involved, the specific nature of the relationship, and the willingness to make changes, and an infinite number of variables outside of our control, including factors we or you have not anticipated. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that we are not liable for your success or failure.

Non-Compete Agreement Clause:

All material is covered under copyrights with the US Copyright Office. The copyright protection shall remain in effect for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years. We do offer a licensing program for those interested in using our material for any purpose and/or activities intended to garner business or public attentionAs a participant in any solutions offered by The Fantasy Love Co., you agree not to use, disclose, repurpose, repackage, or resell any content, methodologies, information, or teachings provided during or as a part of the course for any commercial purposes without the express written consent of The Fantasy Love Co. This includes, but is not limited to, starting a similar service, conducting trainings, or creating content derived from our materials with the intent to garner business. This agreement is in effect for a period of ten years (120 months) following the conclusion of your participation in the course. Violation of this agreement will result in legal action for injunctive relief, damages, and any other remedies available under the law, including financial compensation for damages incurred by The Fantasy Love Co.. By participating, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and understand the consequences of violating this agreement.

About Your Love Coaches

Tristan & Ashley Boyd

After falling in love during our teens and college years, we went our separate ways due to differing perspectives on creating the relationship we wanted. But reconnecting a decade later sparked a transformative journey. 

Applying the principles of Love Reimagined, we built an extraordinary love story. And years later, our relationship continues to flourish as we continue to experience the marriage of our dreams--our fantasy love story.

Now, our mission is to empower others to experience their fantasy love story while being who they really see themselves being.

Whether you’re single and searching, in a relationship and eager to elevate, or happily married and ready for the dream...


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